Q: Who is the Webmaster of Virtual Championship Wrestling Entertainment?
A: Scotty McCoy
Q: How did you create Virtual Championship Wrestling Entertainment?
A: Using Tripod. They give you
different tools to help build your Website, and up
to 20 megabytes of free space with a free account. They have everything you
need to create a fun, interesting, and cool Website.
Q: How many superstars can I submit per week for my roster?
A: You can submit 15 superstars each and every week. You can submit no more
and no less than 15 superstars. Every week you are able to submit a new
roster of different superstars and divas.
Q: If we have a question, how can we contact you?
the form on the "Suggestions" page and I'll reply ASAP.
Q: How do we submit our roster and trivia answers to you?
A: For submitting the rosters, submit them by filling out the form on "Submit
Rosters" page. For submitting trivia, please fill out the form on the "Trivia"
page and I'll grade the answers you've submitted accordingly.
Q: Is it free to join Tripod and/or your Website?
A: Tripod is free, but you can also pay to get more tools than the free package
has. Also, my Website is $20.00 per month. Nah, just kidding. It's 100
percent free to be a member of my Website.
Q: Can I resubmit my roster and/or trivia answers to you, even though I've
already submitted them?
A: Nope. Once you submit your roster and your trivia answers, they are finalized
and no other rosters or trivia answers could be submitted up until the next
Q: How do I get points every week?
A: I have my own special point system, that'll determine all of the points that you
have earned for each event. The superstars you pick will earn the points, and
then the points for every superstar on your roster will be added together to
give you your total points as a player.
Q: What are the points in the point system?
A: Appearance...............................5 points
Match......................................10 points
Match Win...............................15 points
Main Event Win........................20 points
PPV Appearance......................10 points
PPV Match..............................15 points
PPV Match Win.......................20 points
PPV Main Event Win................25 points
Title Retain................................5 points
Title Win..................................10 points
Superstar of the Week...............30 points
Lucky Stars..............................30 points
Injury..........................................5 points deducted
Suspension...............................10 points deducted
Released...................................15 points deducted
Q: What is "Superstar of the Week"?
A: "Superstar of the Week" is where a superstar from each roster is selected as
the best superstar of that week on his brand. Three superstars, one from
each roster, will be awarded this opportunity based on his performance.
Q: What is "Lucky Stars"?
A: "Lucky Stars" is where one superstar in all of the VCWE gets awarded 30
points for just being a member of the roster. It is completely random and only
superstar will be awarded the points per week, NOT one from each roster.
Q: Where can I read the storylines for each of the rosters?
A: There will be pages on the navigation bar that'll say the name of the roster.
Just go to the page with the roster's name and there will be the storylines for
the week on that roster.
Q: When will the storylines be posted during the week?
A: Extreme: Monday's
Victory: Wednesday's
Impact: Friday's
Q: I want to be a member of Virtual Championship Wrestling Entertainment. How
do I join?
A: Go to the "Sign Up Now" page in the navigation bar and fill out the form. The
form will then be sent to my email with all the details filled out and then I'll
send you a confirmation message, stating that you are now an official member
of the VCWE Website.
Q: How will we know what is going on in VCWE?
A: Check the "News" page in the navigation bar for all the news that is going on in
Virtual Championship Wrestling Entertainment.
Q: Is there a similar Website to the VCWE?
A: Yes, my friend, Anthony Schmidt, has the Website online. The link to the site
is looking for more members to join his site.