This page is just like the Power 25 on, but is called the Virtual 25, due to copyright violation laws. Every Saturday, I'll post the top 25 superstars during
the week that has had the best week of the entire VCWE.
Friday, January 9, 2009
1. R-Truth
2. Ron Simmons
3. John Morrison
4. Robert Roode
5. Hacksaw Jim Duggan
6. Hurricane Helms
7. Awesome Kong
8. Snitsky
9. Big Daddy V
10. Shelton Benjamin
11. Vladimir Kozlov
12. Booker T
13. Batista
14. Kurt Angle
15. Rey Mysterio
16. Christian Cage
17. JBL
18. AJ Styles
19. Randy Orton
20. Edge
21. Triple H
22. Samoa Joe
23. Chris Jericho
24. Undertaker
25. Shawn Michaels
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