1. You can only pick up to 15 superstars on your roster. If you do not submit a roster for a week, your roster
the previous week will automatically be used. You may mixed the roster of the three brands, but only a minimum and maximum
of 15 could be picked per week. You may pick different superstars for your roster each and every week. Rosters
must be in by Sunday, no later than 11:59 at night. Please fill out the form on the "Submit Rosters" page to have your
rosters for the week submitted.
2. For Trivia: The Trivia questions may be looked up on Google, Wikipedia, or any other site on the Internet to
find the answers. No giving each other the answers though. The Trivia is set to be in to me no later than Saturday
at 11:59 at night. Please fill out the form on the "Trivia" page to submit your trivia answers to me. I'll grade
them accordingly.
3. No copyrighting the pictures, icons, or images used on this Website. They are sole property of the Webmaster,
Scotty McCoy, and are only to be used by him and him only.
4. To sign up to the Website, just go to the page labeled "Sign Up Now", and fill out the form and then you will be a
registered member of Virtual Championship Wrestling Entertainment.
5. Have fun, meet new friends, play trivia, submit your rosters, earn points, and read the storylines.
6. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions, please fill out the form on the "Suggestions" page
and I'll reply back to you ASAP.